Coffee is a popular brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Green unroasted coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due to its caffeine content, coffee often has a stimulating effect on humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide Coffee has been used since ancient times for healing and medicinal purposes. The stimulating and refreshing action of coffee is mainly due to the presence of caffeine and a volatile oil.
Those who drink coffee are less likely to have cancers of the neck and head.
Caffeine plays a key role in weight management and weight reduction. Caffeine stimulates the release of CCK, an appetite suppressant hormone. CCK delays the onset of hunger and promotes a feeling of fullness. Caffeine mildly increases core body temperature (thermogensis) causing more calories to be burned during the day. Caffeine also promotes lipolysis(fat burning) – which promotes fat burning. When dieting, thermogensis often declines. Caffeine reverses this.
Coffee as antioxidant : Coffee contains about 30 compounds with antioxidant properties. Coffee leaves infusions are appropriate to reduce fever.
A study conducted at the University of Hawaii noted that people who had higher levels of caffeine in blood were less likely to have Parkinson's disease.
Central nervous system stimulant : Because of its high caffeine content, preparations from coffee beans are used as a common remedy for stimulating the body. This way, coffee is used to make someone to stay awake in order to avoid drowsiness. It also stimulates the mind and increases body's energy. Numerous studies have shown that this component improves physical performance and keeps the mind more alert, especially in people who are doing some kind of work that needs especial concentration.
Used in low doses, coffee infusions are required to achieve good digestion by increasing digestive juices . Therefore a small cup of coffee after the main meals might be useful in those with a lazy stomach On the contrary, drinking it could be counterproductive in those people with too much active stomachs
At various times paragraphs have appeared in the newspapers stating that the constant use of coffee is injurious. No real facts in support of this have been produced, in fact the action imparted to the nervous system is both natural and healthy, and it has been proved that habitual coffee-drinkers generally enjoy good health and spirits, some of the longest-lived people having used coffee continually from their earliest infancy, without experiencing any inconvenience.
coffee suitable for mild chronic pain : According to many experts, coffee might be suitable for the treatment of pains that have no a serious reason. That's to say for fleeting pains that, in most cases, disappear after a few days and should not be medicated with painkillers, according to most experts, because indiscriminate medication may produce counterproductive effects. For example, the use of coffee could help tolerate muscle aches.
A too high or frequent use of this drink can also produce undesirable effects, leading to some digestive problems such as heartburn, stomach ache, irritable bowel, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.
Used in moderation, coffee is suitable for the treatment of certain physical abnormalities. However, its use is highly debated because its consumption can easily lead to beneficial or harmful effects.
Among the major problems that an inadequate intake of coffee can originate we have the following:
- Nervousness ,- Insomnia ,Tachycardia or irregular heart rate ,Heartburn,Flatulence,Diarrhea orConstipation.
This can easily occur when you exceed the recommended doses (above 250 mg of caffeine content per day - above the 300 according to other specialists) or when used in people with a type of body abnormality that could be exacerbated by the use of this plant. In the latter case people who suffer from these problems should avoid the intake of coffee: - People with ulcer ,hypertension,arrhythmias,heart attack.
Drinking a cup of coffee per day may very well keep the doctor away.