Eight valuable tips for your life

Here are 8 valuable tips for building your self with a successful life
1. Work on your talent Over and Over….The more you can work your talent, you begin to awaken your full potential. I believe everyone was given talents, work your talent over and over. Eventually you get so good at your craft that you will be amazed at how far you have come along. Passion for what you do, rules the day.
2. Listen To Your Intuition. The more you tune into that intuitive part of you, life begins to flow a lot more smoothly. I have been guilty in my early years, of not listening to my higher self and as I abandoned this part of me, life became stagnant and dense in energy. The moment I began to tune into that higher self, and tune out that doubting noise that I created, I began to flourish in my writing. Listening to your gut is always the best bet when making life changing, and even the more subtle choices in life.
3. Keep Good Company. The ability to keep good people around you is key to living your life with full potential. I make the mistake of overly-analyzing the people I choose to hang out with. But, this filter is essential and necessary to living your full potential. It isn't necessary about keeping the company of "like-minds" but also people that have walked the path before you, and humbling yourself and learning from the people you wish to emulate in any given field. Pay close attention to those people that are living the life of their dreams, you can learn a lot from them. Keep Good Company around, and you will live and be inspired to your full potential.
4. 100% Responsibility. The only person that should be responsible for you, is you. Sure it is great to work with an accountablity partner. I highly recommend working with a partner that can hold you accountable for goals you have set. However, even at that at the end of the day you are responsible for your own actions and those actions lead to the results of you eithter fully living to your full potential or not. Keep yourself accountable for what your intentions are. When you are in the driver seat, you become the victor instead of victim in circumstance. Live with integrity.
5. Don't Beat Yourself Up. One of the biggesst things people that truly want to live to their fullest potential, including myself sometimes, is "beating oneself up" when they haven't reached a certain goal at the time they wanted. The ability to mess up, pick yourself back up and not be so hard on yourself, when things go south… is a learned habbit. As you practice this habit, you become better at picking yourself up and start to maneuver around challenges a lot more smoothly, because you know what it takes to get to where you want from personal experience.
6. Don't Take Crap From Anyone. The one thing as a lightworker I know can be challenging, is continuing to do do work that is for the light, and not feeling down when your light is trying to get dimmed. The ability to live from your soul, and spread your light and working for the greater good is very commendable. Work for the light, and don't take crap from anyone. The more you are a living example of what you want to BE in this world, the more others will either be appreciative or even follow your path. As you stay clear on your path and follow the tips so far above, you are less likely to encounter people that you have to worry about getting "crap" from. Nevertheless, if those people do show up still, don't take crap from them.
7. Live With Peace. Living with peace in your heart is the last tip to living to your full potential. As you begin to live from your full potential, you begin to see that peace was always there within you anyway, it was just the awareness of that PEACE that made it so. Live a life of peace, you will find your way. A person with peace in their heart will realize their full potential.
8. Follow your Joy. As you follow your joy, you will see what makes you come ALIVE. This is what it truly takes to fully live to your true potential. The awareness, that you are hear to live a FULL life filled with joy, is at the core of what will move you towards living up to your true potential. The universe will bring you the people and resources you need on your own unique path as you continue to stay true to you, and stay true to following your joy.
The  tips if practiced over-time will greatly assist you in living to your full potential.

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